About Me

"The body has to be invaded by the intelligence; each part has to become intelligent." ~BKS Iyengar

Nice to meet you, I am Nicole. I am an introvert with anxiety who is on a healing journey!

In the short: I am a wife, mother, stepmother, daughter, little sister, best friend and daughter of God. I am currently in Austin, Texas where I live with my husband and our 3 year old son. And when life isn’t busy I love camping and reading. 

In 2010, we moved to Dallas, Texas and I started down a journey that has had more impact in my life than I ever expected. We were poor, so poor, 2008 hit us hard. I was looking for ways to cut spending and started doing crazy things like making my own laundry soap and face wash. I was known as the “resident hippie” at work. I loved it, I have learned so much about herbs, essential oils, nutrition, toxins, muscle testing, and listening to my body. I was also working in pharmaceutials which really showed me a whole other side of health, the chemical ridden side of health. I am not against modern medicine, I am thankful for it but I know there has to be a good healthy balance between the two. Since childhood I have dealt with health issues that have continued into adulthood, which has also given me a different view on my health. With all this coupled together, I created Uniquely Halethy to share with all those who have had similar struggles or journeys. 

Food is a stugggle for me because I love chocolate especially hot chocolate. I also have digestive issues and honestly I am just plain picky about food in general. I like what I like and I hate everything else. I am going to admit to you all that I really hate exercising. I feel like I might die everytime I do cario, they tell me to push threw and it will get better….it never does get better. I still feel like I am gonna die. Now you know my truths… why not join my journey in finding what is good for my body. Maybe we can help each other find our unique health because we are all unique and our needs are different. 

How can I help you?