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Howdy Dudes and Dudettes! Welcome to my Uniquely Halethy Blog. My name is Nicole and I am the creator and owner of Uniquely Halethy. A little bit about me, I live in Austin, TX with my husband and 3 year old son. I love spending time with my family, reading, learning, camping, and drinking hot chocolate. I am passionate about holistic health and finding non-traditional ways to heal the body and create health for myself and my family.

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My why? In my early 20s I was diagnosed with IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) and I was sent home to figure it out myself. Over the past 20 years, I have eaten meat and not eaten meat, drink milk not drank milk, ate gluten not ate gluten, and jused probiotics not used probiotics, etc. You get the picture. Honestly, my IBS has been an up and down rollercoaster for 20 years. I realized through my 20 years of struggles, that my body is unique and it requires certain things and hates other things. My body also changes over the years and things I thought I needed, I don’t anymore but instead wants things I have been depriving it of. I scoured the internet about IBS, I asked hundreds of questions to fellow IBS sufferers with no real path for what I should do for my body and it specific needs. All the things I tried didn’t work for me.

What I do know is there are others of you out there just like me, you may not be suffering from IBS but it is a health struggle, and your doctors have done everything they can think of and you are not feeling better. You are unique and your health looks different for you than it does for me. You are the only one who knows your body, the doctors don’t, your mom doesn’t, your partner doesn’t. YOU do! Be brave, take a journey with your body and finding its specific needs.

My example of Hale and Hearty old man, my grandfather.

Why “Halethy’? You now know why I chose the name Unique for my blog but here is some insight into Halethy. My last name is Hale so that factored in but I happened to look up the definition of Hale and here it is: “free from defect, disease, or infirmity also: retaining exceptional health and vigor – a hale and hearty old man.”* Amazing right? That is my mission, to help you increase your health right now, where ever you are in life so we all can live to be a “hale and hearty old man or woman.” You can take steps right now today to make this happen no matter what you are struggling with, I am here for you, your friends are here for you and if you so believe, God is here for you! You got this!

I am so excited to share this journey with you! I know that we can help each other find what is good for our unique bodies!